Conference publicationsAbstractsXIV conferenceModelling of heat transport in aerosol systems with inhomogeneous particlesMoscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”,Russia, 127055, Moscow, Vadkovskii lane, 3a, (495)9729520, uvarova_la@rambler.ru 1Tver State Technical University, Russia 170026 Tver, Afanasii Nikitin emb., 22, (4822)445593, krivenko@tvcom.ru
In general case the aerosol particles may represent itself the particles of the different form, consist of different matters and be the composite particles of different dimensions. In present work was considered the heat transport in these cases. Such solutions are received on based non-linear heat transfer equation with heat source. In particularity, such heat sources may induce by the electromagnetic radiation [1,2]. In other cases that are discussed in given work the sources may depend on reaction. Then the modified boundary conditions of fourth kind were used. It was given the possibility of the temperature control on the particles surface with help electromagnetic waves that is important for aerosol (and other disperse systems) consisted over small disperse particles [3]. The aerosol systems with particles of different form are considered. There are spherical and cylindrical particles, and agglomerates with parts of different dimensions. Heat sources for such agglomerates we received with help several exact solutions for electric vector for the stratified set (a totality of finite number of a varieties of different dimensions) that were found in [4]. Heat transport for collective aerosol was investigated by finite element method. In general case it was supposed that systems are poly-disperse ones and particles can consist of different matters. In particular, it is shown that the presence of the carbon in one of the particles weighed in the atmosphere may cause a destruction of the neighboring weak absorption particle. This work was supported by the Russian Fund for Basic Research (Grant No. 06-01-00548-a).
References. 1. Krivenko, I.V. and M.A.Smirnova, 2005, Herald of Nijnii Novgorod University, series: mathematical modeling and optimal control, 1(28), 130 (in Russian). 2. Uvarova, L.A. et al, 2005, Aerosol and safety. International scientific and practical conference, Obninsk, 75 (in Russian). 3. Uvarova, L.A. and T.V. Kazarova, 2005, Workshop on “Generation and Health Effects of Nanoparticles”, Germany, Karlsruhe, FTU. 4. Uvarova L.A., 2005, Some exact solutions of non-linear electrodynamics equations/ 16 National Congress 2005, Australian Institute of Physics. Congress Handbook and Abstracts, Congress Proceedings, CD –ROM, Canberra, Australian Institute of Physics. |