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Conference publicationsAbstractsXIV conferencePolar indexes, as tops of the f-graph models of sustable developmentRussia,170026, Tver, Af.Nikitina emb,22 2 pp.Stability is defined as evolution of socio-economic system (SES), that is a collection of consumption, evolution of a human potential and ecological safety with allowance for their qualities and stability. Forming subsystems SES, are divided into four blocks: институциональный; social; economic and ecological. For observation behind each subsystem types of parameters (indicating devices) are determined: appropriate to rates; appropriate to states and the derivatives providing the information, obtained at the expense of transformation of parameters of the first two types. At definition of a collection of the socio economic indexes constructed in the polar form, the following reasons were considered: - Indexes should "work" at all possible states SES as in stable evolution as in a catastrophe; - The set of indicating devices, includeed in indexes, should take into account as much as possible features of structure and character of the investigated system; - Indexes should provide multidimensionality of measurement and possibility of construction of the functional graph (f-graph); The list of indexes and components of their indicating devices of measurement of each subsystem which was used at construction of the functional graph as models of a state and evolution of locale is developed. A necessary analysis stage of stability of the socio economic system is research of the obtained graph models which shows quantitative and qualitative interconnection of factors. We shall mark, that in i to top of the f-graph Fi(t) (time-dependent functions) and appropriate to a quantitative measure of factors, i.e. significances of index parameters defining SES are defined. Functions in tops are coupled by a relation: Fi(t+1)= Fi(t) + SWij Fj(t) + Qi(t)
The script of behavior SES we shall name the model function coupled to origination and evolution of the socio-economic phenomena which are defined by variation of the basic factors in discrete temporary space with temporary step. As a result possible qualitative scripts of evolution of locale, over the range from stable evolution to catastrophes are pointed. Operation is executed at a support of the grant of the RFPF 06-06-96313. |