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Conference publications


XVI conference

Multiagent Approach to Construction of Dynamic Scheduling Systems

Simonova E.V.

Samara State Aerospace University named after S.P.Korolyov, Informatics faculty, Information systems and technologies Chair, Russia, 443086, Samara, Moskovskoe Shosse Street, 34А, Tel.: (846) 2-67-46-72 е-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

One of the perspective approaches to construction of scheduling systems considered as difficult self-organizing systems, satisfying a set of criteria, is multiagent approach [1]. Agents of the enterprise, orders, and resources are set in multiagent scheduling systems. It allows to pass from centralized scheduling to more flexible distributed, adaptive scheduling at which local updating of the plan is the result of joint activity of the separate agents, making the decisions on the basis of the knowledge base. Using ontology is offered for the description of knowledge:

• Basic ontology. It contains base definitions: event, the order, a resource, operation, relations between operations, orders, resources, base requirements of the order to a resource, etc., it is closely connected with algorithms of scheduling.

• Production ontology. It contains a definition of product, technological process, technological operation, the requirement of technological operation to resources, relations between operations in difficult technological processes, etc. It expands basic ontology with concepts of concrete production.

• Production model. It contains a description of concrete products, technological processes of their manufacturing consisting of operations, relationships between them, etc. It represents a set of templates – the connected copies ontological essences for unification of connected networks of elements in a scene creation.

• Scene. It contains an actual condition of the real world objects: arising events, orders, resources, the production plan, etc. Some sets of technological processes and operations, being created according the uniform template described in Producing Model can be presented in a scene.


1. V.Andreev, S.Batishchev, K.Ivkushkin, T.Iskvarina, P.Skobelev. Tool means for working out multiagent systems of industrial scale//Works of 6th International conference about problems of difficult systems management and modeling, Samara, June 14-17, 2004. - Samarа: СНЦ РАН, 2004, pp. 233 - 240.

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