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Conference publicationsAbstractsXVII conferenceОсобенности кластерного анализа при диагностике заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта (жкт) у детейRA, NKR, Stepanakert, st. M.Gosha, 3/36, queen62@yandex.ru 1 pp. (accepted)The Peculiaritis of Cluster Analysis in the Diagnostics of Gastro-Intestitial Illness of Children The anatomical and functional immatuvity and a great lability of clinical symptoms renders it difficult to diagnose illnesses in pediatrics. The diagnostics is abstructed because of the constant change of data what presupposes processing of a great deal of information. Therefore, applying methods of mathematical data analysis in one of the ways to increase the efficacy of diagnostics. The elaboration fo diagnostics methods is to be preceded by the formulation of a well defined aim, which conditions the direction of the operations: obtaining the necessary information, its processing, analysis, selecting the method, defining the perspectives and probability of the accuracy of the diagnosis and prognosis. The main issue in the cluster analysis is the accurate selection of the number of clusters. The number of clusters can sometimes be defined before the test. But in most cases this number is defined by subdiridy the set into clusters. We have used the cluster analysis to diagnose the gastro-intestinal illnesses of children. 111 children with 86 quantitative and qualitative indicators have been examined. As a result we have obtained two clusters which include the data on the anamnesis as well as the data on the clinical and bio-chemical blood analysis.
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