Conference publicationsAbstractsXVII conferenceElectronic governmentAzerbaijan Cooperation University, Azerbaijan, AZE 1106, phone:(99412) 561-29-72, Narimanov 8B 2 pp. (accepted)Last five-six years in Azerbaijan dynamical development in sector of information-communication technologies (ICT) is observed. National strategy developments ICT has defined the next years an activity overall objective - transition to an information society. The government program "Electronic Azerbaijan" covered 2005-2009. It was the first stage of realization of National strategy. The project of a new government program on the following is already made 2008-2012. The new project becomes continuation of the first program. The electronic government includes two basic directions. The purpose of the first consists that the government in the classical kind should be in a close connection with an information technology. In other words, all state structure should be automated, компьютеризованны, and governments employees - to pass corresponding trainings. The purpose of the second direction of the electronic government - is creation of corresponding possibilities when users receive the information by means of INTERNET, without leaving the house or office. Today projects on computerizations and introductions ICT in a department everyday life carry out the ministries of taxes, communication and an information technology, internal affairs, work and social protection, justice, formation etc. The state committee of customs is one of high-grade representatives of the electron government. By means of an official site of this structure it is possible to solve many questions, to receive the information, to fill a number of documents etc. In creation of the electronic government and use of an information technology Azerbaijan is the leader among the CIS countries. In Russia only in I will-scheme any official can create an electronic copy of the document and put under it the individual electronic autograph in the form of a set of certain figures and letters. This inquiry can be unpacked, and in such kind it will be valid for granting in various official and law enforcement bodies. Creation of "the electronic government" will cardinally change mutual relation between a society and the government. It will provide direct dialogue between them, different departments, committees, will accelerate formation of an information society.