Conference publicationsAbstractsXVII conferenceInformation-methodical maintenance of economic modellingAZE 1106, N.Narimanov 8b, phones: +994 (12) 4361714, +994 (12) 5628745 2 pp. (accepted)Useful computing method for the decision of some types of problems of nonlinear programming is the method of dynamic programming [1-2]. In problems of dynamic programming economic process depends on time, therefore there are a number of the optimum decisions providing optimum development of all process as a whole. At the heart of the general concept of a method of dynamic programming the principle of an optimality of Belmana lies. Economic process is called as operated if it is possible to influence a course of its development. Distribution and not distribution of means consists in economic managerial processes at each stage. It possesses some peculiarities, that is to say by the means of special correlations the solution of it can be brought to the solution of more common problems. For example, output by any enterprise - operated process as it is defined by change of structure of the equipment, volume of deliveries of raw materials, financing size; working of the principles of the thematic planning of production and equalizing in case of vibration (hesitation) of the production. Dynamic programming, using stage-by-stage planning, allows not only to simplify the problem decision, but also to solve those from them to which it is impossible to apply methods of the mathematical analysis. The problem of dynamic programming should satisfy two conditions. The first condition usually names a condition of absence of a consequence, and the second - a condition of additively of criterion function of a problem. The problem on equipment replacement is considered as multi staged process which is characteristic for dynamic programming. Criterion of optimality is or has arrived from equipment operation, or total expenses for operation during the planned period. From a finding of the decision of a problem of dynamic programming it is visible that this process is bulky enough. Therefore more challenges solve by means of the computer. Problems of dynamic programming also are applied in planning of activity of the enterprise taking into account change of requirement in production in time, in case of optimal distribution of capital investment, investments of the enterprise.