Conference publicationsAbstractsXVII conferenceComplex jf the problems and models decisions making in system state-quotient of management developmentDolgoprudhy, Tsiolkovskogo, 11-59, Yakovenko G.N., 141700 1 pp. (accepted)COMPLEX of the PROBLEMS and MODELS DECISION MAKING in SYSTEM STATE-QUOTIENT of MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT
Irikov V.A., Korgin N.A.
Moscow institute of physics and technology , Russia, 141700, Moscow reg., Dolgoprudny, Institutskiy str., 9, Tel.: (495)576-57-33, fax: (495)408-68-69. E-mail: irikov41@mail.ru
They are analysed value and defect established in Russia practical persons management development. Within the framework of offered in work [1] holistic system abutted against-pouring development federal county, subject to federations, municipal enterprise is formulated complex of the problems decision making. It is described complex mathematical and procedural models and methods decision making when governing on results. The requirements are Formulated to automatical decision support system and checking of their performance. Discussion change first queue, greatly raising efficiency of the established system and enabling redouble the rates of the output from crisis and postkrisis innovacial developments.
Reference 1. Irikov V.A., Novikov D.A., Trenyov V.N. State-private system abutted against-pouring инновационным development as facility of the reduplication rate output from krizisa. - M.:IPU RAN,2009. 2. Regional management in federative state. Under ред. May V.A. -M.: Deal, 2008 Irikov V.A. Methods software-target management, including бюджетиро-вание, oriented on rezulitat. - M.: ROSNOU, 2007 3. Korgin N.A. The Mechanisms of the exchange in active sistemah. - M.: IPU WOUNDS, 2003.