Conference publicationsAbstractsXVII conferenceDynamics of changes of a labour market in a context of national innovative system of the Russian Federation formationYurga technological institute of TPU, Russia, 652050, Yurga, street. Leningradskaya 26, E-mail: nesteruk@list.ru 1 pp. (accepted)The concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation defines necessity of transition to innovative model of the economic growth, capable to provide growth of competitiveness of Russian production and services on internal and the world markets [1]. An important role in formation of national innovative system it is taken away to development of "the human capital". Thus the basic attention is given to preparation of is innovative-active experts. Efficiency of innovative development of economy depends not only on activity of independent economic agents separately, but also how they co-operate with each other as elements of collective system of creation and use of knowledge [2]. Proceeding from it, research of structure and dynamics of a labour market in a context of the changes caused by introduction of results of innovative activity is actual. The analysis of dynamics of innovative activity in directions according to the list of perspective and new labour markets of the Russian Federation, generated on the basis of the scientifically-technological forecast till 2025 and branch programs of development [3] will allow to construct well-founded model of a demand of separate groups of experts, to estimate capacity of the markets and additional requirement for qualified personnel.
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