Conference publicationsAbstractsXVII conferenceSome the reasons and conditions of formation and development of extraordinary aptitudes of peopleMunicipal general educational establishment "The Grammar School № 5 ", Russia, 141092. Yubileyny 3 Sokolova street, Ph.: (495) 515-25-80 E-mail: Mosvolo@yandex.ru 2 pp. (accepted)In XXI century the importance of gifted people continuously grows. So the modern person should have ability « to perceive, trace and process huge amount of the information». But, despite of available progress in pedagogics and genetics, biophysics and biochemistry, the science does not have methods of reproduction of genius. Weakness of the scientific majority is that basically scientists study a structure of a brain of phenomenally capable person only after his death. But we have to find ways to research mind of living thing.