Conference publicationsAbstractsXXI conferenceConstruction of adaptive mesh the domain with boudary "corner point ” of ferromagnetic in the numerical simulation of magnetic systemsJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna 141980, Russia E-mail: polukovarv@mail.ru; pevgeny@mail.ru; yudin@jinr.ru 1 pp. (accepted)At numerical solving of the boundary-value problem of magnetostatic in a domain with a boundary corner point, a question of accuracy of the obtained solution near the corner point of ferromagnetic arises [1]. Near the corner point an essential growth of the module of the magnetic field can take place, which leads to the necessity of constructing special numerical algorithms when solving the boundary-value problem. This work represents an algorithm of constructing an adaptive mesh in the domain with a boundary corner point of ferromagnetic taking into account the character of behaviour of the solution of the boundary-value problem. An example of calculating a model problem in the domain containing a corner point is given.
References 1. Zhidkov E.P., Perepelkin E.E. An analytical approach for quasi-linear equation in secondary order. СМAM, vol 1(2001), No.3 pp. 285-297.