
Conference publications


XXIV conference

To the biography of the commissioner Yakovlev (according to documents RGVA)

Silayev A.D.

Federal state institution Russian state military archive, 125212, Moscow, Admiral Makarov St., 29, Телефон: 8 (499) 159-80-91 Факс: 8 (499) 159-85-04, E-mail:

1 pp. (accepted)

On May 14, 1918 Vasily Vasilyevich Yakovlev is given assignment by the commander of the Samaro-Orenburgsky front.

It urgently goes to Samara. On May 17 in Samara anarchists extremists rise, and in ten days on all Trans-Siberian Railway the revolt of the Czechoslovak case breaks out. The Soviet power in the Volga region, in the Urals, in Siberia to the Far East is overthrown and replaced by local authorities of esero-Menshevist sense. The railroad Chelyabinsk – Samara – Orenburg all appears under the power of Komucha – Committee of members of the Constituent assembly. Yakovlev actively carried out arrests in Samara, is going to blow up the railway bridge through Volga, but this its work isn't pleasant to Nikolay Podvoysky, one of the chief military leaders of Bolsheviks. Podvoysky undertakes functions of the commander of the Samaro-Orenburgsky front. Samara doesn't maintain a siege, it is handed over on July 8. Next day Yakovlev moves to the district of Ufa, on the Ural front. Its headquarters are strengthened military specialists, but already on July 13, 1918 the Samaro-Orenburgsky front is liquidated. By the way, to order group of troops in subordination at Yakovlev send Vasily Blyukher, but for a short time Yakovlev manages to quarrel and oust him with Blyukher. Command of East front is transferred to the Social Revolutionary M. A. Muravyyov. However, Muravyyov in this role doesn't keep also month. On June 20, 1918 Yakovlev appoint the commander of the 2nd Soviet army, in six days transfer with lowering to headquarters of the front, then lower the military commandant of Ufa. Vasily Vasilyevich Yakovlev refuses to order the Ufa front where he was wanted to be appointed. On it the unsuccessful military career of Yakovlev comes to an end.

These events were reflected in documents of the Russian state military archive.

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