Conference publicationsAbstractsXXIV conferenceBlok diagram form used to represent algorithms for solving a homoggeneous system of linear ordinary differentional equationMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Russia, 141700, Dolgoprudny, 9 Institutskiy per., +7(095)408-81-72, E-mail: opyr@mail.ru 1 pp. (accepted)The theme of "Homogeneous system of linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients" (HSLODE) is a classic. It does not cease to be in demand in the further training and practice. The presentation on the practical training material on OSLODU usually is descriptive. It is supplemented by examples of solving problems, as far as possible (and if there is time), for the majority of the fundamental solutions of systems [1]. Representation of solution algorithm in block diagram form greatly accelerates the process of repetition before. This facilitates the perception of new material by imaging at the same time. Block diagrams familiar to students, as information technology is widely introduced in the school curriculum. The algorithm is the usual solutions association if represented as a block diagram. This presentation is intended to draw the attention of students like himself to solving algorithm and the relationship of its individual parts. Primarily block diagram aimed at studying the dominant type of visual perception. Included in the scheme of the verbal elements of the algorithm description designed for students with the dominant verbal type of information perception. Kinestetik responsive to presentation of information in the "mobile" form. The interpretation algorithm in block diagram form, enabling them to accept newly stated material better and faster. Block diagram meet the educational interests of different groups of learners in such a way [2].