
Conference publications


XXIV conference

Activation of cognitive activity of students of humanitarian directions of preparation when studying discipline "natural scientific picture of the world"

Yabloshevskaya U.S.

Moscow state pedagogical University, he Department of physics for natural faculties, Russia, 107140, Moscow, Krasnoprudnaya street, 14

1 pp. (accepted)

Activation of cognitive activity of students of humanitarian directions of preparation when studying discipline "natural scientific picture of the world" ( is a hot topic today. In the preparation of lessons in the same subject to consider some features. Namely, the students of humanitarian directions of preparation is often observed a lack of deep knowledge on subjects of science cycle. Students are not motivated enough to study these subjects as they did not recognize the significance of natural science knowledge for life and for the future of the profession. These conclusions are made on the basis of the results of questioning of students. In their responses, they noted that for more successful mastering of the course they need to increase the number of practical works illustrating a connection of theory and practice. Thus, you want to include in the course is not only lectures but also practical training to be practice-oriented qualitative objectives and also the design that does not require complicated mathematical calculations. With the purpose of activization of informative activity also recommend you to use the various forms of work, including home and virtual experiment [2], a number of tasks to submit for self-training, to include information from various scientific and popular scientific sources of the modern development of science and technology [1]. The students of humanitarian directions of preparation is characteristic of visual-figurative thinking, therefore, must be accompanied by a variety of illustrations, demonstrations, movies (scientific, as well as fragments of the feature films on the subject of activities), presentations, demonstration experiment

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