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XXV conference
Mathematical Modeling in Science and Technology
Сосенушкин Е.Н., Иванова О.К., Яновская Е.А.
Mathematical model of influence of hammer impact equipment on anthropogenic space
(2018) 1 pp.
Майоров Е.Р., Лудан И.Р., Сапрыкин О.Н.
Построение матрицы корреспонденций мегаполиса по гравитационному методу
(2018) 1 pp.
Аристов В.В.
Неравновесные течения с аномальными переносными свойствами, описываемые кинетическими методами (может ли тепло передаваться из холодной области в горячую?)
(2018) 1 pp.
Велиева Т.Р., Платонова А.А.
Реализация операторного подхода стохастизации одношаговых процессов на SciPy
(2018) 1 pp.
Грачев В.А., Найштут Ю.С.
Микророботы из трансформирующихся оболочек
(2018) 1 pp.
Никольский И.М.
Исследование одной модели сенсорных сетей с помощью суперкомпьютерной симуляции
(2018) 1 pp.
Николаев Н.Э., Павлов С.В., Чехлова Т.К.
Temperature coefficient of effective refractive index of the te1 and tm1 modes in optical sol-gel waveguides
(2018) 1 pp.
Землякова И.В., Моос Е.Н., Савушкин О.В.
Граничная задача в гетероструктурах
(2018) 1 pp.
Соболев А.А., Демидова Т.С.
Анализ стохастической модели распространения сетевых червей
(2018) 1 pp.
Васильева Л.Ю., Уварова Л.А., Романова Е.Ю.
Марковская модель активного центра ферментативных систем
(2018) 1 pp.
Натяганов В.Л., Степанов И.В., Шивринская Е.В.
Основные парадоксы тунгусского феномена 1908г. по геофизическому сценарию
(2018) 1 pp.
Лознов Д.В.
Численное моделирование модифицированного уравнения Кортевега - де Фриза, с учетом стохастических процессов
(2018) 1 pp.
Gazaryan V.A., Kurbatova J.A., Ovsyannikov T.A., Shapkina N.E., Chulichkov A.I.
Mathematical models time series air temperature in southwest Valdai Hills
(2018) 1 pp.
Koval E.A., Koval O.A.
Effective numerical algorithm for calculating binding energies of 2D quantum dots in external fields
Prikhodko I.V., Guria G.Th.
Evaluation of the role of T-cell receptor self-organization
(2018) 2 pp.
Anashkova D.O., Golovnin O.K.
Development of transportation management system for cultural events
(2018) 1 pp.
Arabov M.K., Sobirov Kh.I.
Computer modeling of limit cycles of the generalized model of interaction of two species
(2018) 1 pp.
Astafurov V.I.
Evaluation of the internal energy of a physical vacuum
(2018) 1 pp.
Baimuratov I.R., Zhukova N.A.
A logical approach in information theory
(2018) 1 pp.
Belov S.Yu.
Mathematical methods for determining the characteristics of superficial and subsurface structures of the Earth in the short-wave range of radio waves
(2018) 1 pp.
Bespalov Y.G., Kabalyants P.S.
Discrete models of dynamic systems as a tool for generating working hypotheses in the field of biosafety
(2018) 1 pp.
Bokov K.A., Buzmakova M.M.
The Computer Modeling of the Polymer's Thin Film, Modified by the Carbon Nanotubes
(2018) 1 pp.
Erevina N.S., Neelova L.O.
Quantitative analysis of the atmospheric processes circulation characteristics over the european territory of Russia in summer
(2018) 1 pp.
Gavrilova T., Orlov M.
Machine learning methods for modelling plant distributions in the Crimea (Apiaceae case study)
(2018) 1 pp.
Golovnin, O.K.,Vozzhaeva, A.V.
Geoinformation system for modeling the lighting of the street-road network
(2018) 1 pp.
Grigorovitch E.R., Skvortsova M.I.
Investigations of the influence of some modifications of transport networks on the maximal flow value in them
(2018) 1 pp.
Gusev V.A.
Surface acoustic wave in layered bimodule medium with amplitude-dependent behavior
(2018) 1 pp.
Ingtem J.G., Dmitriev V.I.
A study of the resolution of the inverse problem of frequency sensing field of a magnetic dipole
(2018) 1 pp.
Isaeva A.V., Grachev E.A., Serdobolskaya M.L., Fedorova O.V.
Development of mathematical models of physical and chemical processes in oil reservoirs
(2018) 2 pp.
Ivanko T.Y., Pushin D.M., Zlobina K.E., Guria G.Th.
Mathematical modeling of thrombosis hydrodynamic activation in stenosed vessels
(2018) 1 pp.
Kayukova A.V., Isaeva A.V.
Mathematical modeling of the in-situ processes in an oil shale reservoir
(2018) 2 pp.
Khvedelidze A., Torosyan A.
Two qubit X-state space stratification under the action of global and local unitary groups
(2018) 1 pp.
Kovalenko S.Yu.
Survival task for the mathematical model of glioma therapy with blood–brain barrier
(2018) 1 pp.
Latypov I.I.
Mathematical modeling of the evaporation of material during laser exposure
(2018) 1 pp.
Levin V.I.
Interval Analysys of Functions with Uncertainty in Singular Points
(2018) 1 pp.
Lyulko N.A.
Perturbations of the wave equation which has the finite time extinction
(2018) 1 pp.
Malinovskaia E.A.
Mathematical model of the motion of Aeolian landforms
(2018) 1 pp.
Martynova A.
From Mathematical Into Applied Linguistics
(2018) 1 pp.
Mazurov M.E.
About concave spiral waves and their applications
(2018) 1 pp.
Moskalev P.V.
On the interrelation of sites weighting distributions on square lattices with estimates of the percolation clusters strength
(2018) 1 pp.
Nazarenko E.S., Nazarenko K.M., Markov P.N., Nadykto A.B.
Modeling gas-phase hydration of the sulfuric acid in the Earth's atmosphere
(2018) 1 pp.
Obgadze T.A.
Mathematical modeling of distribution of waves on the basis of exact solutions of the equations of Navier-Stokes
(2018) 2 pp.
Pavlenko V.D., Salata D.V.
Сomputing method of multidimensional transient functions for identification of oculo-motor system
(2018) 2 pp.
Perepelkin E.E., Sadovnikov B.I., Inozemtseva N.G., Krymskii V.E.
The exact solution of the Schrödinger equation with the modified Coulomb potential
(2018) 1 pp.
Perepelkin E.E., Suchkov D.A.
Investigation of the entropy of a system of many particles with different potentials
(2018) 1 pp.
Perepelkin E.E., Tarelkin A.A., Polyakova R.V., Kovalenko A.D.
Development of Condensing Mesh Method for Corner Domain at Numerical Simulation Magnetic System
(2018) 1 pp.
Postnov S.S.
Fractional type influence on properties of the solutions of optimal control problem for linear dynamical systems of fractional order
(2018) 1 pp.
Savenkova N.P., Artem'eva L.A., Dryazhenkov A.A., Laponin V.S., Mokin A.Yu.
A mathematical model of the distribution of production flows
(2018) 1 pp.
Semykina N.A.
Mathematical Model Of Network Security From Virus
(2018) 1 pp.
Shapiro I.V., Skvortsova M.I.
Modelling the relation between the structure and physico-chemical properties of alkylbenzenes using the graph theory
(2018) 1 pp.
Shapovalov A.V.
One-dimensional Fisher-KPP equation in the approximation of quasilocal competitive losses
(2018) 1 pp.
Shatrov A.V., Shatrova L.N.
Modeling of transfer for aerosol impurity from solid waste landfills
(2018) 1 pp.
Shchetinin Eu.Yu.
On matematical modeling of extreme precipitations
(2018) 1 pp.
Smirnov D.N., Zhukova M.A., Syunyaev R.A.
Application of genetic algorithms for searching for the optimal set of parameters for models of the electrical activity of cardiomyocytes
(2018) 1 pp.
Tarasevich Yu.Yu., Laptev VV, Chirkova VV, Lebovka N.I.
Computer simulation of self-organization in a two-dimensional system of rod-like particles
(2018) 1 pp.
Tikhomirova T.A., Nazarenko K.M.
Tonal and geometry of selfsimilarity
(2018) 1 pp.
Ugrozov V.V.
Mathematical modeling of the effect of adsorption kinetics on gas transfer through a two-layer membrane
(2018) 1 pp.
Uvarova L.A., Kalutskov O.A., Smirnova M.A.
Modeling of an Evaporation of Binary Solutions from Capillaries under the Effect of External Forces
(2018) 1 pp.
Veliyeva F.M., Aliyeva F.X., Isayev N.Z.
Optimization of process of etherification of vitsinalny dicarbonic acids
(2018) 1 pp.
Volokhova A.V., Zemlyanaya E.V., Kachalov V.V., Rikhvitskiy V.S., Sokotutchenko V.N.
Numerical Study of the Gas-condensate Mixture Filtration Process in a Porous Medium
(2018) 1 pp.
Weise D.
Pythagorean approach to quantum physics
(2018) 2 pp.
Zamora-Sillero E.
A message-passing algorithm for the smoothing problem of change point detection
(2018) 1 pp.
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