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Conference publications


XXVIII conference

Effect of radiation on wheat (Triticum L.) and corn (Zea mays): EPR studies

Khalilov R.I., Nasibova A.N.1, Kasumov U.M.1, Bayramov M.A.1

Baku State University.

1Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Radiation Problems

1 pp. (accepted)



Khalilov R.I., Nasibova A.N.1, Kasumov U.M.1, Bayramov M.A.1

Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan.

1Institute of Radiation Problems, ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan.

The effect of such stress factors as ionizing gamma radiation, radioactive contamination and UV radiation on wheat (Triticum L.) and corn (Zea Mays) studied by the method of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy.

Fig. 1. EPR spectra of seedlings of wheat (A) and maize (B) seeds irradiated with different doses

ionizing gamma radiation.

A stimulating effect founded in wheat plants when exposed to and increasing the dose of radiation and in corn plants the opposite effect. Figure 1 shows the EPR spectra characterizing various paramagnetic centers in plant samples in a wide range of the magnetic field. Under the influence of radiation, the concentration of paramagnetic centers changes and this leads to a difference in signal intensity. EPR signals of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (g = 2.32; ΔH = 400 G) are more sensitive to radiation. In samples of wheat plants (type C3 plants) exposed to higher doses of radiation, the amplitude of the EPR signals is significantly higher than in control plants. And in maize plants (type C4 plants) the amplitude of the EPR signals changes insignificantly when exposed to radiation.

It is assumed that this process is associated with photorespiration. Research results have once again proved that stress factors, including radiation, play a stimulating role in the creation of paramagnetic centers in plant systems. This effect can be used as a bioindication parameter in environmental assessment of the environment.


1. R.I.Khalilov, A.N.Nasibova, N.Youssef. The use of EPR signals of plants as bioindicative parameters in the study of environmental pollution. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. V. 7, I. 9, S.1. 2015. P.172-175.

2. A.N. Nasibova. Formation of magnetic properties in biological systems under stress factors. Journal of Radiation Researches. V.7, I.1. 2020. P.5-10.

3. R.I. Khalilov, A.N. Nasibova. Endogenous EPR-detected ferriferous nanoparticles in

vegetative objects. News of Baku University. V.3. 2010. P. 35-40.

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