
Conference publications


XXIX conference

Multilevel assessment models in the Moodle system

Olekhova E.F.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 49 Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, 125993, Russia,

1 pp. (accepted)

The paper proposes some of the simplest multi-level models for assessing knowledge in test questions of the Moodle system when accompanying courses in mathematical disciplines and examples of their implementation. The relevance of the work is due to the widespread use of blended and distance learning models in recent years and the use of e-learning courses based on LMS Moodle. The novelty of the work lies in the analysis and generalization of the experience in the development of electronic courses, question banks and assessment systems at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the work was to build assessment models that take into account the peculiarities of tests in mathematics. Here we can distinguish a complex problem statement, dependence on many parameters, solution of a problem in an analytical form, approximate or numerical solutions of problems, ambiguity in the presentation of answers, the need to highlight the elements of the answer, a complex structure of the answer, control of solution steps, etc.

When developing e-learning courses in mathematics and question banks, the presented models were widely used and developed [1, 2]. Experience in building multi-level assessment systems, examples and analysis of the results are given in the work.

Multilevel models imply the use of a complex step-by-step assessment of the solution results in the development of test questions. Many options for taking into account the peculiarities of tests in mathematics and for composing multi-level test questions are provided by the Formulas plug-in, which is an optional component for LMS Moodle and determines the appropriate type of test question.

It is of interest to develop these models, including the construction of systems that take into account the dependence of the results when passing between levels. Thus, it becomes possible to more effectively use the capabilities of LMS Moodle and develop more flexible grading systems.


1. Olekhova E.F. On the generation of test questions in mathematics in LMS MOODLE // "Contemporary mathematics and the concept of innovative mathematical education." - M: Publishing house MFO, 2021. V.8. # 1. - S. 360–366.

2. Konnova L.P., Lipagina L.V., Olekhova E.F., Rylov A.A., Stepanyan I.K. Problems of assessing students' knowledge in mathematics using LMS Moodle // III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Transformation of the Labor Market: Risks, Trust, Prospects of International Communications”, SHS Web Conf., Volume 125, 2021. https: //

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