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Conference publications


XIII conference

development of the NSCS complex of programs

Bell B G

Russia, Tver-170024, 14th marshal Konev street

1 pp.

In this paper, we are showing the universal program realizing operations of enciphering of data. The developed complex of programs allows to work with the data in files of any format (textual, graphic, formats of the MS Office etc.) - to encrypt with conservation of the ciphered information in a new file and decoding, receiving the next file same to the original. Such universality is guaranteed by some specific opportunities that give the use of the original algorithm of encryption (symmetric block algorithm with a closed key) - in particular, the opportunity of the use of keys of any complexity entered into the program in the free form. So, for coding the especially important information the complex (difficult to guess) key assuring the stability (resistance) of the received encrypted files can be used. At the same time, the user has an opportunity to apply simple, easy to remember codes, for example – a phone number or date of birth. To the advantages of the algorithm (system), it is also possible to attribute: small computing complexities, stability (resistance) to break, in connection with practically infinite quantity (amount) of variants of information states and weak correlation within the ciphered information, opportunity of repeated enciphering of information, opportunity of enciphering of the large volumes of information. Except the program of coding / decoding the described complex includes the program for creation and edition of the code tables supporting opportunity of automatic filling in view of various user adjustments. Similarly, the program of enciphering has the simple and intuitive window interface. The program provides an opportunity of automatic generation of keys, preservation of the user adjustments in the register. Today, there are many systems, the functionality that is for enciphering the saved (kept) or transmitted data. In connection with development of Internet - technologies, urgency becomes the use of the electronic digital signature. Another basic variant of the application of procedures of enciphering is their inclusion in the protocols of networks. Also many programs keep the information in memory in the ciphered form. So the algorithm, realized here can be applied in each mentioned above cases.

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