
Conference publications


XXX conference

Control of neuro-astrocytic activity in the model of complex interaction between neurogliotransmitters and norepinephrine

Lukin P.O., Verisokin A.Yu., Verveyko D.V., Brazhe A.R., Postnov D.E.

Center for Condensed Matter Physics, Kursk State University, Radishcheva st., 33, 305000, Kursk, Russia Department of Biophysics, Biological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Leninskie gory 1/24, 119192, Moscow, Russia Department of Optics and Biophotonics, Saratov State University, Saratov, st. Astrakhanskaya, 83, 410012, Saratov, Russia

1 pp. (accepted)

Modeling of the functioning of the nervous tissue is usually associated with a description of the complex interactions of synaptically connected neurons. Nevertheless, it has now been established that a variety of extrasynaptic connections, which are mediated by both the functioning of glial cells and the diffusion of neurotransmitters in the intercellular space, play no less importance. It has been shown that neuro-astrocytic activity significantly depends on quite moderate, physiologically normal changes in neuronal activity, for example, on transitions between sleep and wakefulness.

In this work, we extend the previously proposed model of calcium dynamics in astrocytes [1]. We include a number of neuro-astrocytic processes in the model, in particular, neurogliotransmitter connections, spatially heterogeneous distribution of norepinephrine, as well as a complex of interactions between them. The developed model has the following essential features: 1) 2D representation of the astrocyte structure based on experimental data; 2) a spatially and temporally randomized description of the activity of synaptic terminals; 3) spatially non-uniform distribution of the level of norepinephrine.

The in silico results correspond to the known experimental data. The constructed model can be further used to search for ways to regulate synaptic activity, as well as model prediction of biophysical processes in the nervous tissue, which are difficult or impossible to reproduce or control experimentally.

This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant 21-74-00095.


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