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XI conference
Natural and Social Science Education
Виштак Н.М., Тишина Г.А.
О роли баз данных в организации научно-исследовательской работы студентов
Буданов В.Г., Харитонова В.А.
Синергетика образования в школе
(2004) 11 pp.
Буданов В.Г., Харитонова В.А, Совина Л.П., Сорокина С.А.
Синергетика коллективного творчества в междисциплинарных образовательных проектах., опыт открытой синергетической школы
(2004) 9 pp.
Виштак О.В.
Психолого-педагогический аспект создания информационного и учебно-методического обеспечения дистанционного обучения
(2004) 8 pp.
Швец В.И.
Особенности профессионализации высшей школы наукоградов
(2004) 3 pp.
Alikberova L.Yu, Savinkina E.V. Loginova G.P.
Methodological supplying of continuous chemical education from primary to high school: multi-purple educational complex
(2004) 8 pp.
Alikberova L.Yu., Savinkina E.V., Alikberova O.V.
The primary course of chemistry
(2004) 6 pp.
Ammosova N.V., Kovalenko B.B.
The problems of organization of Bimodal research in school
(2004) 8 pp.
Dokukina I.V., Cheremukhin E.A., Grachev E.A.
Procedure of training second-year students of physical specialityes for implementation of student thesis , in computer practical work
(2004) 10 pp.
Judina L.F., Krapilskaja N.M, Tarasova A.N.
Some aspects of clear technologies in educational programmes
(2004) 8 pp.
Kolesnichenko E.V, Permyakova N.V.
Integrated approach to the ecology study with the senior pupils. synergetic aspect
(2004) 10 pp.
Mavlyutova M.M.
Collective method of teaching mathematics as a way of development of creative activity of the school body
(2004) 10 pp.
Olneva A. B.
Development of students' creative initiative in technical schools of higher education during the proccess of mathematical education
(2004) 6 pp.
Positselskaya L.N, Zlobina S.V.
Residual knowledge tests on calculus
(2004) 4 pp.
Rizhkova N.G., Matveyeva T.A., Ostanin S.N.
The development of the through testing system on the higher mathematics course
(2004) 8 pp.
Varnavskaya N.Ya.
The basic principals of working out the geometry standard for the 5th - 6th grades
(2004) 10 pp.
Vasil'eva L.Yu., Prochorenkova E.N.
Sinergy model of the teaching
(2004) 5 pp.
Vinogradova T.K., Rozhkova E.V., Prejzendorf T.H., Cheremisina E.H., Shirkov P.D.
Model of special type of school education in scientifical towns
(2004) 11 pp.
Yumagulova N.R., Feofanova L. N.
About the contents of mathematical education of engineering students
(2004) 6 pp.
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