
Conference publications

Science subjects in the project “Internet-class”: our results and further perspectives

Alikberova L. Yu., Afrina E. I., Krylov A. I., Goridchenko T. P., Kirichenko A. V.

Moscow, Russia

"Математика. Компьютер. Образование". Cб. трудов XII международной конференции. Под общей редакцией Г.Ю. Ризниченко Ижевск: Научно-издательский центр "Регулярная и хаотическая динамика", 2005. Vol. 1, 332pp. Pp. 263-272.

«InternetClass» project (Network master-teacher’s society, Internet Education Federation, 2002-2004) is to create the whole system for schoolchildren’s distant learning in astronomy, biology, chemistry, geography and physics. The most important points of our work are: a) active participation of real teacher and b) interdisciplinary relation between school subjects. The latter is realized in the integrated exercises for pupils.

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