
Conference publications


XVIII conference

Adverse effect of mass-media and social conditions in Russia on education and upbringing of youth and the measure on reduction of this influence

Shabanov M.F.

The Voronezh state pedagogical university (VSPU). 394000, Voronezh, Lenin's 86 street, VSPU, an E-mail

1 pp. (accepted)

Information management - IM of the person or of public system this purposeful change of the information stored in memory the person, its representation of world around, consciousness and sub consciousness, morals, ethical standards and behavior stereotypes, by means of mass media - mass-media. As a result of such substitution the person carry out the program give to it. Technology IM has been developed in the USA and successfully used A.Dalles plan for are ruin the USSR. New methods IM became refined, secret, smart, technological and dangerous to children and youth, thanks to fast assimilate of the new information by them without the critical analysis.

High efficiency IM have of mass-media with the screen technology, creating new type of high-speed perception of the information without dialogue and judgment. Events on the screen develop as the fascinating showing of life how authors of transfer wish. The effect of presence of spectators on «a place of events» which is created experts on IM. The virtual worlds and computer games have force of influence more than the real world are created and the young man gets to them as in networks. Using powerful computers it is possible to prove any false idea, the law or a rule and to make a fool even of expert people. Experts on IM use any mass-media for management of the population on tasks of the owners. Harmful there are many daily transfers of mass-media which propose of the goods, services, systems of values and ideology. Frequent heroes of a TV screen criminals, murderers, terrorists, thieves. Advertising, sensations, violence scenes, pleasure shows and games, a pornography and show sex in the Internet and video films, crisis of economy and the social sphere, all it strongly influence youth education and upbringing.

For protection of the population against an adverse effect of mass-media and normal education and upbringing of youth the author offers: 1. To use of material resources, information and administrative resources of the state; 2. In the legislation of Russia there should be laws protecting the population from IM manipulations with consciousness and hard responsibility of all mass-media spreading of the harmful information; 3. All mass media, including private, should be under hard public control. Violence scenes and the harmful information demorolize a society should be under a ban;

4. Obligatory training courses at school and high schools on modern methods IM and counteraction are for them. Constant informing of the population on new methods IM both manipulations with consciousness and ways of counteraction is necessary for them; 5. Information wars and manipulation with consciousness should be internationally forbidden, as can lead to disorder of economy and social sphere and extinction of an appreciable part of the population as it happens ruined are the USSR.

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