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Conference publicationsAbstractsXXIV conferenceFrom Empiricism no Theory, from Theory to CreationTomsk Polytechnic University Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Lenin ave., 30 1 pp. (accepted)Ontogenetic thinking is particular condition of an individual in educational process and science, who (individual) is in the process of learning. This thinking is characterized by the ability and intent to ascend from the empirical facts-knowledge to theoretical generalizations, generate new knowledge on the basis of theoretical ideas and at the same time to present the happening cognitive movement as an integrated one into a coherent picture of the world. In general there are some points of view of this representation how a person is learning, how he is making a discovery, and it seems at first sight that there is not any novelty. However, this is not quite true. Indeed, looking more closely into the given mental activity scheme we can find in our daily practice many numbers of examples to illustrate it. All these examples can be explained only as facts that are happening, but not assumed as a priori. An individual who knows methods of ontogenetic thinking is focused on the deliberate, methodical prepared origin of cyclic process of "fact - theory - creation". How does ontogenetic thinking relates with traditional practice of setting the educational process? - Unfortunately - anyhow, nowadays we can only speculate about some possibility of ontogenetic thinking inoculation in the educational practice. What makes things still worse is the fact that two paradigms, two approaches to knowledge inoculation in the educational process initially, in its essence – are antipodes. Traditional pedagogical intention in the educational process is focused on training the beneficiaries (students, pupils) in the form of "knowledge transfer", while ontogenetic intention is in cognitive instinct inoculation according to the scheme - from empiricism to theory through the experience generalization and the descent - from theory to the plurality of the details. How does the conceptual ontogenetic approach relates with innovation of pedagogical direction in the search space of contemporary creation in the field of educational processes formulation? The ontogenetic approach that begins from the modern views on knowledge goes back from some fundamental science [1], operates the basic concepts, such as: a living system, an image of the world, meaning, concept of knowledge, etc. This approach is focused on summing up the paradigm, the conceptual foundation for all modern and historically marked innovations of humanitarian nature associated the evolutionary culture of educational process. References: 1. Karyakin YU.V., Tunda E.A. Process obrazovaniya v vysshej shkole: paradigmal'nost', konceptual'nost'. Opyt pedagogicheskih iskanij — Saarbryukken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014. s. 150–160.