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XI conference
Computer systems in science and education
Ускова О.Ф., Горбенко О.Д.
Всероссийская студенческая олимпиада "Информационное моделирование и современные компьютерные технологии" 2003 года: особенности методики и технологии проведения третьего (основного) тура
(2004) 5 pp.
Bogdanov P. B., Yelenin G. G.
The code dynamics for molecular dynamics experiments
(2004) 9 pp.
Borzunova T.L., Krilov E.A., Feofanova L.N.
Software for testing in mathematics
(2004) 5 pp.
Chekhlova T.K., Timakin A.G., Laputin I.V.
Probability of realizing of multiplexers/demultiplexers with high channel numbers
(2004) 9 pp.
Dokukina I.V., Cheremukhin E.A., Tjorlova L.D., Slizkov A.C., Grachev E.A.
Calculating experiment and problems of nonlinear dynamics in computer practical work
(2004) 10 pp.
Erentraut H.
Teacher means of mathematic modelling
(2004) 5 pp.
Kondakova Е.V.
Method of the projects as a form of organization of independent activity of the students at analysis of an astronomy
(2004) 8 pp.
Kurgalin S.D.
Modeling of the processes connected to nucleon cluster effects
(2004) 7 pp.
Lavrenova O.A.
The dissertations didital library of the RSL: problems and solutions
(2004) 14 pp.
Markovskaya E.F., Lantratova A.S., Shreders M.A., Batyreva T.M.
Development of study course "The interaction of the natural life and a human being on urban territories of taiga zone with use GIS-technologies"
(2004) 4 pp.
Matveyeva T.A, Rizhkova N.G
The applied aspects of linear algebra on the higher mathematics computer practical work
(2004) 9 pp.
Mokhova M. N.
Active education methods in distant course
(2004) 8 pp.
Moor P. K., Moor S. M
Internet culture in Tyumen region: FIO Tyumen regional center's work experience
(2004) 4 pp.
Morosova E.V.
Introduction problems of object-oriented programming in school course
(2004) 8 pp.
Nadobenko D. S., Yelenin G. G.
The code "Prometheus" for computational experiments with the lattice systems of reaction-diffusion type
(2004) 10 pp.
Prejzendorf T.N., Fetisova T.N., Khoziev V.B., Shirkova K.P., Shirkov P.D.
Modelling in school education. the school № 8 experience.
(2004) 13 pp.
Rubnikov S.V., Zharikova A.V., Kursina S.V., Tatarinov V.V., Trubnikov S.S., Frolova E.M.
Automated training systems TCM and TNM for support of rates of computer modelling and numerical methods
(2004) 7 pp.
Shlenova N. A., Klygina K. V.
The international science-educational internet-magazine on natural sciences for school-students
(2004) 6 pp.
Solovjova I.O., Fakhretdinova V.A.
Some glimpses about pupil scientific research organization
(2004) 6 pp.
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