
Conference publications

Mathemathical models of gene activity regulation processes: mechanical perturbations of DNA structure

Nechipurenko Yu. D., Polozov R. V., Nechipurenko D. Yu., Il’icheva I. A., Vorobiov E. A., Grokhovsky S. L., Gursky G. V.

Russia, Moscow and Pushino

"Математика. Компьютер. Образование". Cб. трудов XIII международной конференции. Под общей редакцией Г.Ю. Ризниченко Ижевск: Научно-издательский центр "Регулярная и хаотическая динамика", 2006. Vol. 2, 498pp. Pp. 393-403.

Binding of proteins and low molecular weight ligands to DNA play a fundamental role in processes of gene activity regulation. Binding of a protein to DNA can be coupled with DNA conformation changes which can be transmitted over great distances extending outside the DNA region immediately covered by a bound ligand. The perturbed DNA structures and even DNA cleavage can induced by mechanical tensions. Electromechanical perturbations of DNA structure is a widespread phenomenon which may play a fundamental role in processes of gene activity regulation. A simple approach is developed to describe electromechanical perturbations of DNA in complexes with large ligands, as revealed from recent studies on effects of ultrasound irradiation on DNA complexes with sequence specific binding ligands.

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