

Concept of training it professionals basing on cross-cutting digital technologies

Cheremisina E., Kirpicheva E., Milovidova A.

Dubna State University, Universitetskaya 19, 141980, Dubna, Russia, 79689310485,

Currently there is a severe shortage of IT experts required for the development of national projects in Russia. The rapid digitalization of the economy requires qualified experts. The Government of the Russian Federation has formed a national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”, one of the goals of which is to solve the issue of ensuring the accelerated introduction of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere [1]. A number of federal projects are being developed within the framework of this program: “Normative Regulation of the Digital Environment”, “Human Resources for the Digital Economy”, “Information Infrastructure”, “Information Security”, “Digital Technologies”, “Digital Public Administration”, “Artificial Intelligence”. The main goal of the federal project “Human Resources for the Digital Economy” is to provide training of highly qualified personnel for the digital economy. It is achieved through performing several tasks, in particular: meeting the labor market needs for experts in the field of IT and information security, as well as for experts with digital competencies who have been trained in the relevant programs of higher and secondary vocational education. The emergence of the new generation digital technologies, which were called “cross-cutting” due to the scale and depth of impact, determined a large-scale transformation of business and social sphere models. These changes have a strong impact on the content of professional activities: employees are required to have new skills and, consequently, new competencies. Formation of educational programs that meet global trends, taking into account the most popular technologies, has the particular importance. These technologies and their subtechnologies are described in roadmaps created within the framework of the national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”: neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality technologies, distributed ledger technologies, quantum technologies, new production technologies, robotics and sensorics components, wireless communication technologies. Thus, in connection with the transition to the digital economy, professional education faced challenging tasks. In response to these challenges, the Institute for Systems Analysis and Management of Dubna State University adopted and develops a teaching concept that allows to combine traditional methods and approaches in the educational process with innovative digital solutions and tools [2-11].


1. Passport of the national project “National Program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” (approved by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and National Projects, minutes of 06/04/2019 N 7) // Access from the reference legal system “ConsultantPlus”

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3. Belov M.A., Korenkov V.V., Potemkina S.V., Lishilin M.V., Cheremisina E.N., Tokareva N.A., Krukov Y.A. Methodical aspects of training data scientists using the data grid in a virtual computer lab environment // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. V. 2507. NEC’ 2019 - Proceedings of the XXVII International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics & Computing (NEC'2019), Budva, Becici, Pp. 236– 240.

4. Cheremisina E.N., Tokareva N.A., Kreider O.A., Tyatyushkina O.Yu., Streltsova O.I. Concept for the development of the digital platform for education at dubna state university// CEUR Workshop Proceedings. V. 2507. NEC’ 2019 - Proceedings of the XXVII International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics & Computing (NEC'2019), Budva, Becici, Pp. 251–255.

5. Belov M.A., Lupanov P.Ye., Minzov A.S., Tokareva N.A. Sistema upravleniya virtual'noy infrastrukturoy na osnove vizual'nykh modeley v srede virtual'noy komp'yuternoy laboratorii [Virtual infrastructure management system based on visual models in a virtual computer laboratory environment] // Sovremennaya nauka: aktual'nyye problemy teorii i praktiki. Seriya: Yestestvennyye i tekhnicheskiye nauki. 2019. № 6-2. S. 41-46.

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7. Belov M.A., Krukov Y.A., Mikheev M.A., Lupanov P.E., Tokareva N.A., Cheremisina E.N. Essential aspects of IT training technology for processing, storage and intellectual analysis of the big data using the virtual computer lab // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. V. 2267. GRID 2018 - Selected Papers of the 8th International Conference «Distributed Computing and Grid-Technologies in Science and Education». 2018. Pp. 207-212.

8. Cheremisina E.N., Finkel'shteyn M.YA., Lyubimova A.V. GIS INTEGRO - importozameshchayushchiy programmno-tekhnologicheskiy kompleks dlya resheniya geologogeofizicheskikh zadach [GIS INTEGRO – the import-substituting software and technology complex for solving geological and geophysical problems] // Geoinformatika. 2018. № 3. S. 8-17.

9. Cheremisina E.N., Belaga V.V., Kreyder O.A., Kirpicheva Ye.YU. Adaptivnaya strategiya podgotovki kadrov dlya zadach tsifrovoy ekonomiki v gosudarstvennom universitete «Dubna» [Adaptive training strategy for the tasks of the digital economy at Dubna State University] // Sovremennyye informatsionnyye tekhnologii i IT-obrazovaniye. 2017. T. 13. № 2. S. 140-145.

10. Reshetnikov A.G., Tyatyushkina O.YU., Ul'yanov S.V. Intellektual'naya robototekhnika CH.3: Kontseptsiya kognitivnogo obucheniya - intellektual'nyy robotrenazher [The concept of cognitive learning - an intelligent robot simulator // System analysis in science and education] // Sistemnyy analiz v nauke i obrazovanii. 2017. № 1. S. 48-58.

11. Koren'kov V.V., Podgaynyy D.V., Strel'tsova O.I. Obrazovatel'naya programma po tekhnologiyam HPC na baze geterogennogo klastera HYBRILIT (LIT OIYAI) [HPC technology education program based on the heterogeneous cluster HYBRILIT (LIT JINR)] // Sovremennyye informatsionnyye tekhnologii i IT-obrazovaniye. 2017. T. 13. № 4. S. 141-146.


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